Friday, January 14, 2005

The Logic of Repression

There's a certain kind of argument that is sometimes made to criticize the curriculum that is proposed for Montgomery County, where eighth graders will learn that some people are gay.
The argument is given as:
  • AIDS is a terrible disease.
  • Gay people get AIDS.

So far, that's as far as I have ever heard anyone get with the argument. Usually they think that's enough to make their point, and they stop there, maybe with a personal anecdote about how scary it is to be around AIDS patients, or even a statistic about the AIDS epidemic.

I try to imagine what the next line is going to be, the "therefore Socrates is mortal" part. Mmm, it could be:
  • Therefore gay people are terrible.

but I don't think it is. They say they "hate the sin, love the sinner," and, well, this would sorta be blowin' it.

When I hear this argument made, it seems like the person is trying to get to the conclusion:
  • Therefore eighth graders should not be told that some people are gay.

but they just never quite get there. It's like, we're supposed to understand that that's the conclusion, without them saying it. Otherwise, how is this an argument against the new curriculum? (I am quite sure they aren't just making an impartial comment.) But it is a little difficult to see how they get to this from the first syllogism.

OK, I am being a little disingenuous here, I admit it. I know what the argument is. It's:
  • AIDS is a terrible disease.
  • Gay people get AIDS.
  • Therefore there shouldn't be any gay people.

Right? Of course.

In order to patch together the whole syllogism, about the sex-ed curriculum, you have to know the second part:
  • Being gay sounds irresistible.
  • Eighth graders are not yet able to control their impulses.
  • Therefore, if they hear that there are gay people, they will become one.

OK, now we are starting to get the logic of this whole thing. They know that once all the eight-graders turn gay, they will catch AIDS, and the world will be a more dangerous place.

See? It all makes perfectly good logical sense.

Let's see how it looks, all put together:
  • AIDS is a terrible disease.
  • Gay people get AIDS.
  • Therefore there shouldn't be any gay people.

  • Being gay sounds irresistible.
  • Eighth graders are not yet able to control their impulses.
  • Therefore, if they hear that there are gay people, they will become one.

  • From these it follows that eighth graders should not be told that some people are gay.

I think I'm getting pretty close.


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