MySpace In The News
Two news stories this morning sort of go together, and will be of interest to you if you've got kids.
First, Slashdot sends us to Hitwise, which tracks web traffic and tells us that was the Number One most visited domain on the web:
Now, I'll make a confession. This week I finally got a MySpace. I can't say it's that exciting, but I see my kids spending hours on theirs. Yesterday when I came home from work, a neighborhood kid was in the family room, and they were all giggling and teasing and creating a new MySpace for him. They took him outside and took a bunch of pictures of him, and they were setting it all up, just having the best time.
Anyway, so I got mine. As soon as I signed up, I had a "friend." Tom. I wish I could figure out how to get rid of him, maybe I'll find the "delete friend" button. Anyway, my MySpace still says "You have 1 friends" and there's a picture of Tom.
It seems that the older kids might be going to FaceBook, but what do I know? Right now, MySpace is on top.
It's kind of amazing, Hitwise has a graph comparing MySpace's traffic with Google's. MySpace caught up with Google back in May, and has far surpassed it. It just tells you, there are lots of people using the Internet in a lot different ways than I every would.
The other story, from Mercury News:
Now here's a question for you: do you really think this law is going to affect online sexual predation any? Blocking these sites at schools and public libraries?
Let me answer my own question: no.
First of all, this article mentions that MySpace had 92 million -- ninety two million!!! -- users, as of last Tuesday. Almost all of them are young, mostly teenagers, and most of what they do is post stuff and look at what each other posted. You sign up to be "friends" with somebody, and then you have access to more of their site. Most people put up pictures -- my daughter advised me that you are supposed to take a picture of yourself where you are holding the camera at arm's length, so it looks amateurish and casual. They say they'll delete any nudity or anything, and I have never seen anything like that, though I'm sure somebody's getting away with it somewhere. Once you're friends with somebody, you can send them quizzes and questionnaires, and send email and read each other's blogs, and stuff.
Now that you got 92,000,000 teenagers in one place, some pervert is going to get ideas. And that has happened. This Mercury News article tells us, "A 14-year-old girl in Austin, Texas, sued MySpace last month for $30 million, alleging that she was sexually assaulted by a 19-year-old MySpace user." Well, that's a problem, when these "friendships" go offline and things get ugly.
I'm always glad to see when the cops go online pretending to be jailbait, and make a date with some creep, and arrest him. I think that's probably a good way to do it, though from what I've seen on TV it doesn't seem like they can actually keep up with the perverts. It would be good if there was a vigilante method, where kids could eliminate these characters themselves, but I'm afraid if there are going to be criminal charges filed -- and there should be -- it will have to be done by police.
It's a cliche, but I'll say it just like everybody else: you have to talk to your kids about this. My kids have gone through all the phases, posting pictures and rating them, they had Xangas and ... whatever, all of it. They've told me stories of creepy guys saying crazy stuff. Once several years ago a guy sent my kid a picture of himself naked, using AOL instant messaging. I got the guy's screen-name and went online harassing him, every day I'd check and if he was online I'd give him a hard time until he logged off. What else can you do? After awhile the kids seem to mostly figure out what's going on, but a smart sicko can probably pass himself off as something innocent. You've got to talk to your kids about it, and you've got to look over their shoulders occasionally to see what they're up to. (As you can imagine, I'm not one who thinks you need to filter their access or monitor every little thing they do, I'd rather teach them to be responsible and safe in the world as it is. But that'll be your call as a parent.)
One interesting thing about MySpace is that you can search for people by zipcode. The effect is that kids tend to establish friendships with other kids who live nearby. That means that they often know these people. There are plenty of strangers like my friend Tom, who by the way has 92,622,044 friends himself, who try to get as many friends as possible, indiscriminately, but generally it seems you settle in with some people and lots of times you know them in the real world, as well as in cyberspace. There are also groups clustered around schools, for instance, and topics of interest.
It's like hanging out at the Regal, except they're home.
In recent weeks we have seen critical topics such as gay marriage and flag-burning taking up Congress' time, and now we have them introducing this "Deleting Online Predators Act." Let me point out that it won't delete any online predators, it just means that the predators won't be able to prey on kids using the computer at school or at the library. That might take, like, one thousandth of one percent of the opportunities away.
It does have a good effect on government liability, and there is a certain CYA level that this satisfies, both in terms of legal liability and for politicians who are trying to associate themselves with Good. In other words, it's good for them, does nothing for us.
First, Slashdot sends us to Hitwise, which tracks web traffic and tells us that was the Number One most visited domain on the web:
Today Hitwise issued a press release reporting that for the first time, has surpassed Yahoo! Mail as the most visited domain on the Internet for US Internet users. To put MySpace's growth in perspective, if we look back to July 2004 represented only .1% of all Internet visits. This time last year represented 1.9% of all Internet visits. With the week ending July 8, 2006 market share figure of 4.5% of all the US Internet visits, has achieved a 4300% increase in visits over two years and 132% increase in visits since the same time last year.
Now, I'll make a confession. This week I finally got a MySpace. I can't say it's that exciting, but I see my kids spending hours on theirs. Yesterday when I came home from work, a neighborhood kid was in the family room, and they were all giggling and teasing and creating a new MySpace for him. They took him outside and took a bunch of pictures of him, and they were setting it all up, just having the best time.
Anyway, so I got mine. As soon as I signed up, I had a "friend." Tom. I wish I could figure out how to get rid of him, maybe I'll find the "delete friend" button. Anyway, my MySpace still says "You have 1 friends" and there's a picture of Tom.
It seems that the older kids might be going to FaceBook, but what do I know? Right now, MySpace is on top.
It's kind of amazing, Hitwise has a graph comparing MySpace's traffic with Google's. MySpace caught up with Google back in May, and has far surpassed it. It just tells you, there are lots of people using the Internet in a lot different ways than I every would.
The other story, from Mercury News:
WASHINGTON - and other immensely popular social networking sites on the Internet were portrayed Tuesday as emerging playgrounds for sexual predators as lawmakers considered a measure to restrict their access in publicly funded schools and libraries.
"This is the hottest issue of the day," Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott told reporters after testifying before a House subcommittee examining possible new federal restrictions to protect young Internet users from pedophiles.
A bill by Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., would require schools and libraries that get federal funds to limit or ban access to social networking sites that could expose minors to sexual advances from adults.
The bill, called the Deleting Online Predators Act, has drawn opposition among schools, librarians and free-speech advocates, who warn that it would have limited effect and could unintentionally block access to scores of other Web sites. Officials of the sites also say they are taking aggressive steps to protect their users. Bill would limit access to social networking sites

Let me answer my own question: no.
First of all, this article mentions that MySpace had 92 million -- ninety two million!!! -- users, as of last Tuesday. Almost all of them are young, mostly teenagers, and most of what they do is post stuff and look at what each other posted. You sign up to be "friends" with somebody, and then you have access to more of their site. Most people put up pictures -- my daughter advised me that you are supposed to take a picture of yourself where you are holding the camera at arm's length, so it looks amateurish and casual. They say they'll delete any nudity or anything, and I have never seen anything like that, though I'm sure somebody's getting away with it somewhere. Once you're friends with somebody, you can send them quizzes and questionnaires, and send email and read each other's blogs, and stuff.
Now that you got 92,000,000 teenagers in one place, some pervert is going to get ideas. And that has happened. This Mercury News article tells us, "A 14-year-old girl in Austin, Texas, sued MySpace last month for $30 million, alleging that she was sexually assaulted by a 19-year-old MySpace user." Well, that's a problem, when these "friendships" go offline and things get ugly.
I'm always glad to see when the cops go online pretending to be jailbait, and make a date with some creep, and arrest him. I think that's probably a good way to do it, though from what I've seen on TV it doesn't seem like they can actually keep up with the perverts. It would be good if there was a vigilante method, where kids could eliminate these characters themselves, but I'm afraid if there are going to be criminal charges filed -- and there should be -- it will have to be done by police.
It's a cliche, but I'll say it just like everybody else: you have to talk to your kids about this. My kids have gone through all the phases, posting pictures and rating them, they had Xangas and ... whatever, all of it. They've told me stories of creepy guys saying crazy stuff. Once several years ago a guy sent my kid a picture of himself naked, using AOL instant messaging. I got the guy's screen-name and went online harassing him, every day I'd check and if he was online I'd give him a hard time until he logged off. What else can you do? After awhile the kids seem to mostly figure out what's going on, but a smart sicko can probably pass himself off as something innocent. You've got to talk to your kids about it, and you've got to look over their shoulders occasionally to see what they're up to. (As you can imagine, I'm not one who thinks you need to filter their access or monitor every little thing they do, I'd rather teach them to be responsible and safe in the world as it is. But that'll be your call as a parent.)
One interesting thing about MySpace is that you can search for people by zipcode. The effect is that kids tend to establish friendships with other kids who live nearby. That means that they often know these people. There are plenty of strangers like my friend Tom, who by the way has 92,622,044 friends himself, who try to get as many friends as possible, indiscriminately, but generally it seems you settle in with some people and lots of times you know them in the real world, as well as in cyberspace. There are also groups clustered around schools, for instance, and topics of interest.
It's like hanging out at the Regal, except they're home.
In recent weeks we have seen critical topics such as gay marriage and flag-burning taking up Congress' time, and now we have them introducing this "Deleting Online Predators Act." Let me point out that it won't delete any online predators, it just means that the predators won't be able to prey on kids using the computer at school or at the library. That might take, like, one thousandth of one percent of the opportunities away.
It does have a good effect on government liability, and there is a certain CYA level that this satisfies, both in terms of legal liability and for politicians who are trying to associate themselves with Good. In other words, it's good for them, does nothing for us.
PS I just got an interesting email about this post. I'm busy, not going to take time to follow up on who this guy is or why he cares ...
Hi there,
I caught your blog post and thought you might find Yahoo’s position on the Hitwise report worth adding to the discussion.
We’d like to point out the misleading nature of this report as it compares the domain to only the domain. The following is a statement on behalf of Yahoo!:
Yahoo! Statement:
The report that Hitwise released today with the headline “MySpace Moves Into #1 Position for all Internet Sites” is misleading. The Yahoo! network is made up of many domains and it is not accurate to compare to just Yahoo!’s domain. When taking into account all of Yahoo!’s domains together as an entire network, Yahoo! clearly remains the number one property in terms of audience share, duration share, page view share and days visited per month.
In the U.S. alone, Yahoo! attracts 129 million unique visitors per month, which represents 74 percent of the online population; in comparison, MySpace reaches only 30 percent of the online population with an audience of 52 million unique visitors. In addition, Yahoo! has the largest share of online time spent than any other property: Yahoo! accounts for 13 percent of users’ online time, while MySpace has only 3.2 percent share in users’ online time.
Yahoo! maintains its leadership position as the world’s most trafficked Internet destination online, with a community of more than 500 million unique monthly visitors from around the globe.
(These statistics are according to comScore Media Metrix, June 2006)
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the above statement.
Tim Smith
OutCast Communications
It doesn't seem like the original message was actually misleading. It said they had passed Yahoo mail, and it sounds like this Tim Smith agrees with that. They didn't say MySpace was bigger than all of Yahoo.
Anyway, I guess this guy cares...
It's worth noting, also, that there are fairly simple, ever-shifting techniques by which folks can access sites which are supposed to be out of bounds.
I want to see predators caught, too, but it strikes me that the larger challenge is reaching the kids who are undersupervised and vulnerable.
Jim writes,
Now here's a question for you: do you really think this law is going to affect online sexual predation any? Blocking these sites at schools and public libraries?
Let me answer my own question: no.
You are correct Jim, overall it will not affect those inclined to use the internet for sexual predation.
With that said however, I do have a few quick observations (since it is 7:38 pm here and I have to catch a little sleep before going to work)...
First off, school ought to bloack access at school to MySpace for one reason, if no other: it is a huge waste of a students time, and at least while they are at school they ought to be learning, not giggling about the latest comment they posted to a friends MySpace. Second, it is a waste of bandwith, which as a taxpayer I have a direct interest in preventing. I don't want any school district to claim they can't afford to pay teachers what they should be paid because she school district is forced to pay for the bandwith wasted by MySpace users. This reminds me of the issue that came up with Napster before recording labels shut them down. It was costing schools like where I work (Colorado State University) a small fortune to pay for the bandwith taken up by those wanting to steal music online (since that is what that essentially was). Somebody, somewhere pays for the bandwith.
Now libraries are a different question since they are given a mandate to facilitate access (unless of course said access is to engage in an illegal act). Still, I could forsee a library blocking access for the same reason as a public school: ties up bandwith and computer time.
Now what teens do at home...well, that is up to the parents to police. I won't be allowing access to my two girls mostly because I consider it as a total and complete waste of time, and an exercise in narcissism. And I hold to the motto: don't feed that beast.
I agree with Orin that students shouldn't use myspace or facebook-type sites at school. Unfortunately, with every effort Fairfax has made to block these sites, students have quickly found a way around them. It only stops tech-illiterate people such as myself from going there. The only way schools can assure appropriate and safe computer use by students is with supervision. We have elaborate blocking programs to stop students from going to gambling, porn, sex, and in some schools gay rights sites, and the students easily get around them.
And it does suck up huge amounts of bandwidth.
ILGA had passed a resolution in 1985 which stated that "young people have the right to sexual and social self-determination and that age of consent laws often operate to oppress and not to protect."
Can you provide a citation for your assertion that "major gay rights associations" urged eliminatio of age of consent laws prior to 1995? Not just the names of such organizations, but the text of such alleged statements?
"Just like I know that boys are born boys and girls are born girls"?
How about reading the blog COMPLETELY?
I did I just don't believe that she is not a girl. Can you prove she is not a girl? Biologically she is a girl. Has anyone looked into her upbringing from birth to kindergarten to see if there might be some clues as to what caused her to behave or think otherwise? I saw nothing in the article.
So why don't you "How about reading the blog COMPLETELY?" Anne
National Coalition of Gay Organizations, and drafted and passed a "Gay Rights Platform" which called for the "repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent." The Canadian Lesbian and Gay Rights Coalition, also known as the National Gay Rights Coalition (NGRC), supported eliminating age-of-consent laws, as did Gay Alliance Toward Equality (GATE).
NAMBLA describes itself as a "support group for intergenerational relationships," and uses the slogan "sexual freedom for all." According to the group's web site, its aim is to "support the rights of youth as well as adults to choose the partners with whom they wish to share and enjoy their bodies." [3]
All were Major gay rights associations prior to 1995.
The case of International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) illustrates this opposition. In 1993, ILGA, of which NAMBLA had been a member for a decade, achieved United Nations consultative status. NAMBLA's association with ILGA drew heavy criticism, and many gay organizations called for the ILGA to dissolve ties with NAMBLA. Republican Senator Jesse Helms proposed a bill to withhold $119 million in U.N. contributions until U. S. President Bill Clinton could certify that "no UN agency grants any official status, accreditation, or recognition to any organization which promotes, condones, or seeks the legalization of pedophilia, that is, the sexual abuse of children". The bill was unanimously approved by Congress and signed into law by Clinton in April 1994.
Republicans. Poverty is not a family value was the theme.
Democrat’s goal is to abort the poor. Kill them a birth then there is no problem. Democrat’s stance is killing the poor in the womb will end poverty.
Bennett Under Fire for Remark on Crime and Black Abortions
By Brian Faler
Special to The Washington Post
Friday, September 30, 2005; Page A05
Democratic lawmakers and civil rights leaders denounced conservative commentator William J. Bennett yesterday for suggesting on his syndicated radio show that aborting black children would reduce the U.S. crime rate.
The former U.S. education secretary-turned-talk show host said Wednesday that "if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose -- you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." Bennett quickly added that such an idea would be "an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do." But, he said, "your crime rate would go down."
read "Freakonomics"
the author said that this is what happened after abortion was legalized
How good of Mr. Bennett to advance the policy originated in Freakonomics. Do you suppose the author paid him for the plug?
Just as matter of fact, do you think Bennett was right?
BTW, neither Bennett nor "Freakonomics" was advocating a policy based on this analysis. It's really pathetic what depths liberals will sink to in order to cause division.
I don't even care what the argument is- Bennett sells himself like any other author so please no more high road junk about him. Please no correction about his gambling issue or that it isn't an issue. In clearing out papers at work where I am changing offices, I found a document signed many years ago by Bennett and he was HTT and a phony then as well.
"It's really pathetic what depths liberals will sink to in order to cause division."
Oh yeah. Pointing out what Bill Bennett, compulsive gambler and conservative said is really "pathetic" whereas Bennett saying "you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down" was an example of a conservative taking the high road and trying to unify Americans.
Is gambling a big problem for you guys? Unless he's wagering the kid's milk money, it doesn't bother me. Another pathetic liberal technique. If you're jealous of the guy, write your own book.
What's this?
Here is a portion of a blog i posted in response to this whole banning myspace garbage. But first i agree it should be banned from all schools, But public librairies, come on ppl their are alot of adults who use it too... If a parent isnt parent enough to educate their kid on the dangers of online predetors dont ruin it for other ppl... anyways this blog was in response to some idiot who posted a bulletin onmyspace that was being passed around calling children vulgarity which i found totally distastful. 1 More thing, KNOW WHERE YOUR KIDS ARE AT ALL TIMES!and what they are doing, whether online or offline! Dont give me this lame excuse you dont feel you need to be monoriting them constantly, cause you would rather they learn responsibility. Thats a lame cop out cuz you are too lazy to really care, or dont think bad things can happen to you or your kids. PLEASE! i have lost 3 family members to murder recently in my life, none were children, all adults, and if adults are vulnerable so are children. Anything can happen to anyone at any given time. I wasnt resposible for them but i still live with daily guilt and pain cuz i wasnt there to protect them somehow, now think how one would feel if it was their kid and they just was too lazy to really monitor them and what they are doing. Thats not a thought i am willing to chance knowing as a parent! Children can easily be fooled by ppl , they are young and immature and lack the cognitive thinking skills adults are suppose to have. Although some are very careful kids, be a parent and do your jobs to keep them safe. Kids still make stupid choices, lord i know i did many times over when i was young! Make them keep their profile set to private so no pervs can get on, and tell them if they dont truly know the person in real life then dont add them to their friends. Keep their real lastnames and locations and any info pertaining to where they live off their pages. And there are many more adults then underage kids on myspace Btw.
First , I dont agree with everything this person posted, most yes but this person was very distastful in some of it.
No myspace has no fault in what happens to little girls or boys or anyone online, I think Tom Has done a great job trying to keep it secure. If you read the FAQS he has listed for minors under the age of 18 then you would know. I know I do My best to keep my son from encountering online pedophilic freaks, by monitoring his page and acct.
But also who are any of you to call these kids little sluts and whores, they are just kids who are obviously lacking in adult supervision and guidence, thats on the parents! If you want kids then be a parent and protect your kids. Teach them how dangerous it is to meet ppl from the internet, and be a damned example for them! How many of you adults meet ppl from the internet everyday ? Quite a few have been murdered and they are adults not just kids, come on use your common sense. yes there are alot of good ppl out there who wouldnt hurt anyone but is it really worth taking the chance? If you do it, then your children will think it is acceptable will do it also. How dare anyone call a child names like that, its one thing to think it but another to post crap like that in a bulletin for thousands to read , it only makes you look like a moron. And if they have 18 or older posted then how the do you know forsure that they are not? hmmmm do you have special powers some of us dont? stop assuming, if you are not 100 percent for sure, and if you dont know them personally then you dont know squat, you are just making assumptions!
Another thing is it is NOT on just the kids and parents, what about the pervs who are committing the crimes and the system who allows them to run the streets to be free to have access to myspace? yea alot have already been in the system and released. So take a look at your wonderful government who lets molesters and rapists and murderers back into society or never even put them away to begin with. I know of alot of these cases just in my state alone. The lovely government needs to get a life and do the job the are over paid to do. Banning Myspace is the easy way out so they arent really having to do the hard work that really needs to be done. And so they can try to make their incompetent selves feel better when they go to sleep at night. How about you build more prisons, cut down you exxagerated salaries and put half of it into making new prisons and hiring new ppl, and most importantly put these freaks away who have actually commited the physical acts. Also online police aint so great i have seen them locally say they are 17 online to 18 yrs old males , then turn around and try to claim they said 14. If you are going to set up online entrapments make sure you are atleast being honest about it, lying only tears ppls lives and familys apart! Anywyas,
Its a sad thing when are justice system dont, wont or are just incapable of protecting us and our children properly, and passing the blame on others. Or adults cant set better examples for their children or just for the children online in general. And when adults post crap callin kids or whom they believe to be kids filthy vulgarity. but bottom line is place the blame where blame is due, parents pervs and our system. If you think the kid is taking a wrong path, then quit callin names and try to be a responsible adult rather then an moronic fool and talk to them. I talk to alot of kids online about safety issues, and its funny when you talk to them nicely they seem to take it in and are very positive towards you. Hell most of them come back lookin for you to ask advice or just have sumone to listen to them when they are having it rough at home. I get alot of positive feed back from these young kids, mostly females. Females tend to need females to talk to, and i guess i have that motherly way about So if you really give a damn then befriend them dont belittle them.And if you dont care then shut your face all together no one needs or wants to hear your idiocy! Hell if their parents arent parents god knows they need someone to talk to.. Mz. Lopez
Here is a portion of a blog i posted in response to this whole banning myspace garbage. But first i agree it should be banned from all schools, But public librairies, come on ppl their are alot of adults who use it too... If a parent isnt parent enough to educate their kid on the dangers of online predetors dont ruin it for other ppl... anyways this blog was in response to some idiot who posted a bulletin onmyspace that was being passed around calling children vulgarity which i found totally distastful. 1 More thing, KNOW WHERE YOUR KIDS ARE AT ALL TIMES!and what they are doing, whether online or offline! Dont give me this lame excuse you dont feel you need to be monoriting them constantly, cause you would rather they learn responsibility. Thats a lame cop out cuz you are too lazy to really care, or dont think bad things can happen to you or your kids. PLEASE! i have lost 3 family members to murder recently in my life, none were children, all adults, and if adults are vulnerable so are children. Anything can happen to anyone at any given time. I wasnt resposible for them but i still live with daily guilt and pain cuz i wasnt there to protect them somehow, now think how one would feel if it was their kid and they just was too lazy to really monitor them and what they are doing. Thats not a thought i am willing to chance knowing as a parent! Children can easily be fooled by ppl , they are young and immature and lack the cognitive thinking skills adults are suppose to have. Although some are very careful kids, be a parent and do your jobs to keep them safe. Kids still make stupid choices, lord i know i did many times over when i was young! Make them keep their profile set to private so no pervs can get on, and tell them if they dont truly know the person in real life then dont add them to their friends. Keep their real lastnames and locations and any info pertaining to where they live off their pages. And there are many more adults then underage kids on myspace Btw.
First , I dont agree with everything this person posted, most yes but this person was very distastful in some of it.
No myspace has no fault in what happens to little girls or boys or anyone online, I think Tom Has done a great job trying to keep it secure. If you read the FAQS he has listed for minors under the age of 18 then you would know. I know I do My best to keep my son from encountering online pedophilic freaks, by monitoring his page and acct.
But also who are any of you to call these kids little sluts and whores, they are just kids who are obviously lacking in adult supervision and guidence, thats on the parents! If you want kids then be a parent and protect your kids. Teach them how dangerous it is to meet ppl from the internet, and be a damned example for them! How many of you adults meet ppl from the internet everyday ? Quite a few have been murdered and they are adults not just kids, come on use your common sense. yes there are alot of good ppl out there who wouldnt hurt anyone but is it really worth taking the chance? If you do it, then your children will think it is acceptable will do it also. How dare anyone call a child names like that, its one thing to think it but another to post crap like that in a bulletin for thousands to read , it only makes you look like a moron. And if they have 18 or older posted then how the do you know forsure that they are not? hmmmm do you have special powers some of us dont? stop assuming, if you are not 100 percent for sure, and if you dont know them personally then you dont know squat, you are just making assumptions!
Another thing is it is NOT on just the kids and parents, what about the pervs who are committing the crimes and the system who allows them to run the streets to be free to have access to myspace? yea alot have already been in the system and released. So take a look at your wonderful government who lets molesters and rapists and murderers back into society or never even put them away to begin with. I know of alot of these cases just in my state alone. The lovely government needs to get a life and do the job the are over paid to do. Banning Myspace is the easy way out so they arent really having to do the hard work that really needs to be done. And so they can try to make their incompetent selves feel better when they go to sleep at night. How about you build more prisons, cut down you exxagerated salaries and put half of it into making new prisons and hiring new ppl, and most importantly put these freaks away who have actually commited the physical acts. Also online police aint so great i have seen them locally say they are 17 online to 18 yrs old males , then turn around and try to claim they said 14. If you are going to set up online entrapments make sure you are atleast being honest about it, lying only tears ppls lives and familys apart! Anywyas,
Its a sad thing when are justice system dont, wont or are just incapable of protecting us and our children properly, and passing the blame on others. Or adults cant set better examples for their children or just for the children online in general. And when adults post crap callin kids or whom they believe to be kids filthy vulgarity. but bottom line is place the blame where blame is due, parents pervs and our system. If you think the kid is taking a wrong path, then quit callin names and try to be a responsible adult rather then an moronic fool and talk to them. I talk to alot of kids online about safety issues, and its funny when you talk to them nicely they seem to take it in and are very positive towards you. Hell most of them come back lookin for you to ask advice or just have sumone to listen to them when they are having it rough at home. I get alot of positive feed back from these young kids, mostly females. Females tend to need females to talk to, and i guess i have that motherly way about So if you really give a damn then befriend them dont belittle them.And if you dont care then shut your face all together no one needs or wants to hear your idiocy! Hell if their parents arent parents god knows they need someone to talk to.. Mz. Lopez
My apologies, i dont know what happened but my posted response posted twice. Mz. Lopez
btw, Wth? whats up with the moronic ideation of aborting black babies and crime rate would go down? Omg!!!! If this was my personal blog id have alot to say to that, but ill be respectful, first to the idiots who believe this , there are more white people in prison then there ever could be black! Second I cant wait til ppl like this are judged by Jehovah himself! This makes me want to vomit, Im a white female and I hate my own race when i encounter morons who think like that!
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