Chavez Endorsement Is Good To Have

In his speech at the United Nations the other day, the one where he called Bush a devil and said he could still smell the sulphur, Hugo Chavez held up a book by Noam Chomsky called Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance. He said "The people of the United States should read this ... instead of … watching Superman movies."
Chomsky's not exactly light reading, it's not exactly Mad Magazine, if you know what I mean, but right now, if you look at, you'll see that this book is Number One.
My book is currently two-hundred-thousand-four-hundred-third.
You have a book? please let me know what it is. I would read a book of yours.
Click on this linke: and scroll down to the 200,403rd book.
That'll be me.
Actually, it's worse than that. I just checked again and it's 229,057th. Dropping like a rock, it is.
Here, to make it easier, just go to Amazon and enter "James Kennedy" into the search bar. There I am.
You should try fiction. You seem to have a skill for it.
Now we have a tax-exempt organization serving as a marketing tool for its President's books.
Hey, buy it used for $59.99.
$59.99 ?!?!?!?!?
It should be noted that Jim's namesake and ideological buddy down at Coral Ridge Presbyterian sells a lot more books.
Jim, write a book about family values and you could probably make some money from the name confusion. You can say whatever you want in the book just give it a confusing title. You're even both Ph.D.s.
I doubt that the "other" JK would be as good at providing an exciting, readable account of the transition of a numerical algorithm into a binary one by redefining the vector of velocities as sigmoid probability thresholds...
You're probably right, Jim. If we buy the book will you autograph it? Cool psychedelic cover, BTW.
I would love to know how many copies of Chomsky's book sold that day to make it jump so high- and who bought it. I mean are they people who never heard of Chomsky(whose parents- of blessed memory- were my teachers in religious school)before Chavez spoke? I guess I need to ask the White House since they were anxious to get the library and book buying records of certain people.
I just checked again, and it's still Number One. Very interesting phenomenon. That book is going like hotcakes.
Now, after Clinton's interview on Fox, I wonder how Richard Clarke's book will do.
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