Boo Hoo: The CRC Is Unhappy

Well, I guess this is what they're saying now:
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD -- Montgomery County’s reworked sex ed curriculum still contains sexual material that many of the county’s parents could find objectionable, according to Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum (CRC), a grassroots organization monitoring development of the new curriculum.
... uh, "watchdog group?" Is that what they call themselves? I can think of a lot of kinds of dog to compare them to, but "watchdog?"
Skipping down:
“In many ways this curriculum is worse than the one that was scrapped last year,” according to [Michelle] Turner, including a new focus on the concept of transgender and sex change operations. “Is that really important for 15-year olds to be taught that type of material? I see a liberal agenda here out to do some social engineering.”
Ah, yeah, thanks for that.
Skipping down some more...
The new curriculum hasn’t yet been approved by the MCPS’ Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development, an advisory committee to the Board of Education. However, given the committee’s composition with an overwhelming majority of members drawn from those sympathetic to gay activists, according to Turner, passage is all but assured.
Oooh, hee hee, I'm having some fun with this one.
The committee is made up of citizens who represent our community. The Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum represent a tiny minority of extremists who think their bigotry should be propagated through the public schools.
Nope. Won't happen.
They wait until the last paragraph to threaten another lawsuit.
Last year U.S. District judge, Alexander Williams, Jr., threw out MCPS’ sex ed curriculum because it discriminated against opposing viewpoints. The judge found that Montgomery County Public Schools seemed to single out and ridicule certain religious faiths for not being tolerant of homosexuals. The decision forced Maryland’s largest school district to rethink its approach to discussing homosexuality with eighth- and 10th-graders.
Yep, and they re-thought it, all right. With a gang of lawyers parsing every word, studying every nuance to make sure it was legally sound.
Oh and the judge did not throw out the curriculum. It might make a better story, but it isn't true.
We know the suers are itching to get back into court, they already announced it at the last citizens advisory committee meeting.
Look, here's what happened, in a nutshell. A couple of years ago, the school board adopted a perfectly good new curriculum. The nuts went crazy, asserting that it was going to turn all of our kids gay, except for the ones that just became heterosexually promiscuous. Oh, they howled and they slobbered all over themselves in dismay and self-righteousness. Nobody paid any attention, so they finally brought in some of Jerry Falwell's lawyers and sued the school district. They won a 10-day temporary restraining order; because it came right before pilot testing was going to start, the district canceled plans for the year and negotiated a settlement so they could keep working on new sex-ed classes.
For some reason, the CRC seemed to think that if MCPS developed another curriculum, it would be more likely to reflect their anti-gay, radical views. Now that they see what the district has proposed, it's as if they're surprised.
You know what? We went through this once. Everybody knows what they're up to, we know they're going to sue again, whether it's legitimate or not.
People are just tired of it.
CRC=Bigoted Whiners
What did they think folks would do------rollover and let the extremists take over?
They do not like the process again since they are not getting their way. They intended to sue and disrupt from the very beginning.
"Somebody just sent me the latest press release from the anti-MCPS group Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum."
I'm glad the anti-family group, Teach the Fiction (TTF) was able to get "sent" this. It's been on their website. I thought you nuts monitor it.
"You could sort of tell by the inundation of bizarre emails"
Such as? Could we see some examples or is this an- ahem- untruth?
"to the citizens advisory committee that they weren't happy with the tenth grade curriculum --"
Giving their input is the reason for their organization's existence. Not every group exists solely to - ahem- support the powers that be.
"funny, we thought it was mostly pretty good."
Yes, what a surprise. You were expressly formed to agree with the Board of Education- and now you do.
""watchdog group?" Is that what they call themselves? I can think of a lot of kinds of dog to compare them to, but "watchdog?""
Don't be resentful, Jim. Maybe someday you can support responsible curriculum and then you can start a watchdog group, too.
"“In many ways this curriculum is worse than the one that was scrapped last year,” according to [Michelle] Turner, including a new focus on the concept of transgender and sex change operations."
Going overboard by the MCPS and their -ahem- supporters will help the cause of responsible citizens.
" "Is that really important for 15-year olds to be taught that type of material? I see a liberal agenda here out to do some social engineering.”
Ah, yeah, thanks for that."
That's alright. Someone's got to keep a level head.
Turner says:
"The new curriculum hasn’t yet been approved .... However, given the committee’s composition with an overwhelming majority of members drawn from those sympathetic to gay activists...passage is all but assured."
Jim says:
"The committee is made up of citizens who represent our community."
There's no proof of that.
"The Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum represent a tiny minority of extremists who think their bigotry should be propagated through the public schools."
What kind of idiot would call a group that supports maintaining the status quo, "extremists"? I hereby award TTF the "Orwellian of the Year" honor for their tireless efforts to destroy the English language.
"Yep, and they re-thought it, all right. With a gang of lawyers parsing every word, studying every nuance to make sure it was legally sound."
Even a gang of lawyers can't put lipstick on a pig. No matter how much of our tax money is wasted on Patricia O'Neill's favorite lawyers, no one will stand for a gay agenda program in the schools- not the parents and not the judges.
"Oh and the judge did not throw out the curriculum."
Oh, please. They could see he was going to and they dropped it. Permanently, it seems.
"It might make a better story, but it isn't true."
We don't have to explain every idea in such a way to make TTF look good. For all intents and purposes, with his emphatic language, the judge gave the constitutionally-flawed Fishback revisions the old heave-ho!
"We know the suers are itching to get back into court, they already announced it at the last citizens advisory committee meeting."
Is this when you eavesdropped on them and drew your own conclusions about what you heard? Is that "announcing"? Boom. Another missile hits the English language.
"Look, here's what happened, in a nutshell. A couple of years ago, the school board adopted a perfectly good new curriculum."
Not if you like the Constitution. At least according to the judge.
"The nuts went crazy,"
The nuts went crazy when responsible citizens announced a meeting.
"asserting that it was going to turn all of our kids gay, except for the ones that just became heterosexually promiscuous."
Don't remember anyone saying that.
"Oh, they howled and they slobbered all over themselves in dismay and self-righteousness."
That was the anti-CRC forces. Their bombastic language is well documented.
"Nobody paid any attention,"
Yeah, that's why you set up this blog and all the newspapers ran many stories.
"so they finally brought in some of Jerry Falwell's lawyers and sued the school district."
After, the school board refused to comply with the Constitution. Responsible citizens gave them until the last possible second to comply but giving MCPS time was a major offense in the TTF mond.
"They won a 10-day temporary restraining order;"
Which the judge issued after assessing how strong the case of the plaintiffs was.
"because it came right before pilot testing was going to start, the district canceled plans for the year and negotiated a settlement so they could keep working on new sex-ed classes."
Oh, they had some work to do alright. We'll judge the final product when we see it.
"For some reason, the CRC seemed to think that if MCPS developed another curriculum, it would be more likely to reflect their anti-gay, radical views."
Oh, I doubt that. They were simply giving them the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure they had a pretty good idea what the end result would be.
"Now that they see what the district has proposed, it's as if they're surprised."
Your interpretation.
"You know what? We went through this once."
And didn't win.
"Everybody knows what they're up to, we know they're going to sue again, whether it's legitimate or not."
If it's frivolous, the courts won't let it go far. The judiciary is part of our system. The sad thing is how often they have had to reign in our constitutionally out-of-control local school board in the last few years.
"People are just tired of it."
Like, who? No one is even paying attention.
They might, if you ever come up with a final product.
Wow, Anon's a little edgy today. Is there something special going on today, Anon, that might be putting you in that bad mood?
(I can think of one thing...)
Wow. I didn't detect any edginess. It couldn't be that you were looking for an excuse to say that, could it?
We'll see the results tonight and they will be interesting since the media has been talking about a blowout for months and have, in the last couple of days, detected a mysterious shift toward the GOP.
As a matter of fact, even if the worst of what the media is predicting came true, it will really only be a historically average loss for the party in power during a sixth presidential year. Not too bad when you consider that the other side tries to pretend they are like us.
Really, how many ads have you seen saying, "Vote for me and I'll make sure every gay guy can marry whoever they want!"
We have a booming economy and a populace that consistently supports traditional values and the importance of families. The only problem is that the war has scared people. That's understandable.
No matter who wins tomorrow, nothing much will change. After all, we have a veto and a Supreme Court. Were the Democrats thinking they're going to win a two-thirds majority?
I just hope they can get through a bill giving free college tuition to every citizen.
nutty anonymous said,I'm glad the anti-family group, Teach the Fiction (TTF) was able to get "sent" this. It's been on their website. I thought you nuts monitor it.
Anon it did say "press release."
So are you telling everyone that it only went to CRC not much read website as a "press release?"
Anon, the CRC website is mostly abandoned. They update it once a month or so. Their blog hasn't been updated in more than a year. The "forum" seems to be updated once or twice a month... There's not much to monitor.
Amendments to ban gay marriage won approval Tuesday in three states — including Wisconsin, where gay-rights activists had nursed hopes of engineering the first defeat of such a ban.
Democrats Take Majority in House
Madame Speaker. Ahhh...gotta love the sound of that.
Praise the Lord.
That's right, not update to date at all...
The time for the politics of hate, deceit, and division is over. Not a good thing for the Pharisees at the CRC.
"But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you lock people out of the kingdom of heaven. For you do not go in yourselves, and when others are going in, you stop them."
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. It is these you ought to have practiced without neglecting the others. You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel! Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may become clean. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which on the outside look beautiful, but inside they are full of the bones of the dead and of all kinds of filth. So you also on the outside look righteous to others, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness."
Matthews 23
If everything is so current and active at CRC world then why are all the CRC'rs over here?
Well we know inactivity over in CRC world gets boring.
Slapping up things once in a while well we know you all want to look like things are alive. Of course the CRC message forum is laughable to say the least. Well least it is.
The least members...the least posters....
Dems Guaranteed Majority of Governorships
GOP Struggles to Hold on to Senate
Jim, is that your baby picture? And to imagine that some call me "childish"? Goodness, talk about projection...
Oh, and here, get a load of this,
(link here,
Gay Sheep Experiment Challenged By Tennis Champ
Tennis champion Martina Navratilova said that there is some research going on at Oregon State University and Oregon Health and Science University that is "homophobic and cruel".
Researchers there have searched for years for biological differences that might distinguish rams who mount ewes from rams who mount rams. Researchers say roughly 5 percent to 8 percent of rams are "male-oriented." They avoid the term "gay," saying it is too human-focused.
Navratilova wrote letters to the presidents of both institutions last week at the urging of PETA. The animal-rights group recently asked about 14,000 people to send e-mails opposing the experiments.
Some animals in the studies are killed so researchers can study their brains. PETA said the test of sheep sexual preference that leaves the animals in a room while a ram chooses which to mount is like rape. PETA also questions Oregon State's statement that the research could help ranchers avoid spending thousands of dollars on rams that won't breed, saying it sounds like a program of sexual eugenics in animals.
Going down the animals and gays road again Orin?
Montgomery County Maryland Election Results
Anonymous writes,
Going down the animals and gays road again Orin?
And that is suppose to mean exactly what? So, why did I post it? that what you mean to ask?
I came across this news item while checking the various defend marriage initiatives scattered across the US.
First, why would Navratilova, a US Tennis Champion write a letter at the urging of PETA. Why not Tiger Woods, or Monica Seles? Of course that is a ridiculous question...well, so is having an out lesbian one time tennis champ write a letter that refers to agricultural scientific research as "homophobic and cruel".
Second, the charge of "rape" is laughable in reference to tests that leave rams in a room to determine which will mount either fellow rams, and which will mount ewes.
And finally,
PETA also questions Oregon State's statement that the research could help ranchers avoid spending thousands of dollars on rams that won't breed, saying it sounds like a program of sexual eugenics in animals.
Now, this seemed a tad odd to me at first, what with being a confirmed "city slicker" and all. So, I showed my co-worker the article and while it did put a smile on his face (mostly at the ridiculousness of such an item being "news"), he understood the reason why this sort of research is important. He was born, raised and worked on a farm in eastern Nebraska. He told me that while he does not know what a ram would cost, he knows that a good bull for breeding can run upwards of $10 to $15K.
While us city folks can laugh at such a thing happening, for a farmer with an animal that won't breed, this is no laughing matter. Any research that will help the farmer not get stuck with an animal that will not breed helps that farmer stay in business.
So, in answer to your question Anonymous,
Going down the animals and gays road again Orin?
Nope, I never made that connection in my mind...I simply thought it rather silly and trivializing of the tennis champ to lend her name to such a cause. Then again, this is par for the course for a group like PETA that compares the Holocaust to slaughter of boiler chickens.
Orin, you've got too much time on your hands. WAY too much.
Orin said..."I simply thought it rather silly and trivializing of the tennis champ to lend her name to such a cause. Then again, this is par for the course for a group like PETA that compares the Holocaust to slaughter of boiler chickens."
All of which has exactly nothing to do with the battle over the health education curriculum at MCPS, but thanks for sharing, Orin.
Now something that does concern the battle over the health education curriculum at MCPS is Michelle Turner's quote in today's Gazette. She said, "A defeat of the liberal BOE candidates up for election will send a clear message to the Board of Education that parents will not tolerate the continuing attempts of their public school system to trample their values."
I wonder what "clear message" MT thinks the election of the former President of Maryland NOW to the Montgomery County Council and the election of only BOE candidates who support TTF's position ("the liberal BOE candidates up for election") to the Board of Education sends to the school board.
Do you have a link to that Gazette article?
Anonymous writes,
Orin, you've got too much time on your hands. WAY too much.
That sounds like something the Mrs. would say to me, so I do understand where you are coming from...
Martina is entitled to her opinion. That research is ongoing, statistically rigorous and very helpful. The LGBT movement is not monolithic, regardless of what the right-wing imagines.
"The LGBT movement is not monolithic"
No, it isn't. Every fruit and nut has its own flavor.
Democrats Take Senate
Democrats Take Majority in House
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