Something Entirely Different
When I was in China, a friend of mine, a Polish guy from North Carolina who lives in Australia and writes books about computer science and brain-teasers and managing your finances, showed me a kind of puzzle that he said most people can't get.
It's the weekend, let's take a break.
Look at this little puzzle. See how you do.
Here is a series of objects. The question is -- what comes next? What is the next object in the series?

OK, do you know?
See the answer HERE
It's the weekend, let's take a break.
Look at this little puzzle. See how you do.
Here is a series of objects. The question is -- what comes next? What is the next object in the series?

OK, do you know?
See the answer HERE
Wow, I got it -- I'm shocked! (so much for self-confidence ;-)
I thought the next symbol would be a peace sign.
Homosexual Group to Protest Christian Colleges
Gay-activist group Soulforce is organizing protests of Christian colleges because of their codes that forbid sexual immorality.
This is the second year in a row for the so-called "Equality Ride," and this year Soulforce plans to double its efforts. Two busloads of protesters, one for each half of the country, will target 32 Christian colleges and universities.
Brad Lau, vice president for student life at George Fox University in Newberg, Ore., which is scheduled for an April 5 protest, said the activists disagree with the university's stand that God intends for sex to be in the context of marriage between one man and one woman.
"That would exclude not just homosexual practice," he said, "but adultery and premarital sex, pornography -- all those kinds of behaviors and attitudes and perspectives."
George Fox students, faculty and staff, Lau said, are preparing to meet the riders with the love of Christ.
"While we clearly disagree," he said, "our goal is not to be mean-spirited, but to engage in a civil discourse characterized by humility, love and grace -- and also firmly planted in truth."
Phillip de Haan, director of media relations for Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., said his campus will be well prepared for an April 24 protest.
"This is the second year that we've had what we call a sexuality series, which addresses all kinds of issues, including the issue of homosexuality," he said. "That had been planned even before we knew about the Equality Ride visit."
In addition to preparing students for the inevitable discussions that will occur about God's plan for sexuality, the college is inviting protesters to the school's Sunday night worship service.
Check this list of targeted colleges. Below that you'll find resources that offer biblical context on the issue of homosexuality.
Equality Ride
West Route
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. -- March 8-9
Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, Wis. -- March 12-13
MidAmerica Nazarene University, Olathe, Kan. -- March 15-16
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah -- March 21-22
Pepperdine University, Malibu, Calif. -- March 26-27
San Francisco Bay Area Outreach, San Francisco, Calif. -- March 29-30
Fresno Pacific University, Fresno, Calif. -- April 1-2
George Fox University, Newberg, Ore. -- April 5
Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, Wash. -- April 9-10
Northwest University, Kirkland, Wash. -- April 11
Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa, Idaho -- April 13
Brigham Young University - Idaho, Rexburg, Idaho -- April 16-17
Yellowstone Baptist College, Billings, Mont. -- April 19-20
Trinity Bible College, Ellendale, N.D. -- April 23
Northwestern College, St. Paul, Minn. -- April 25
Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minn. -- April 26
East Route
Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa -- March 8-9
Central Bible College, Springfield, Mo. -- March 12
Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, Okla. -- March 14-15
Baylor University, Waco, Texas -- March 19
Mississippi College, Clinton, Miss. -- March 22
Union University, Jackson, Tenn. -- March 26
University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, Ky. -- March 28
Samford University, Birmingham, Ala. -- March 30
Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Ga. -- April 2
Bob Jones University, Greenville, S.C. -- April 4
Montreat College, Montreat, N.C. -- April 10
Patrick Henry College, Purcellville, Va. -- April 12
Messiah College, Grantham, Pa. -- April 13
Gordon College, Wenham, Mass. -- April 16-17
Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio -- April 19-20
Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, Mich. -- April 23
Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich. -- April 24
Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minn. -- April 26
Wow, Anon, that Focus on the Family sure does carry accurate news.
Anonymous, do you have any idea what Soulforce is?
It was just information about Soulforce's plans and the plans of the colleges to respond. I thought you guys might be interested. Didn't intend to offend.
The Rev. Dr. Mel White has been a Christian minister, author, and filmmaker all his adult life. Raised as a evangelical Christian, taught that homosexuality was a sin, he fought to overcome his own homosexual orientation for decades in all ways available to him: prayer, psychotherapy, exorcism, electric shock, marriage and family. That struggle and his halting, poignant steps to understand and accept his homosexuality, reconcile it with his Christian faith, and express his sexuality respectfully and responsibly, are described in his book "Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America," published in 1994. His latest book, "Religion Gone Bad - The Hidden Dangers of Fundamentalism," is due out in September, 2006.
In 1993, Mel White came out publicly when he was installed as dean at the Dallas Cathedral of Hope of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC). He announced during his first sermon, "I am gay. I am proud. And God loves me without reservation."
Mel White founded Soulforce Inc. this year with his partner, Gary Nixon. Though Soulforce was established recently, Mel White has been developing his work with soul force principles for many years.
He was dismayed by the increasing confrontational tone on both sides the homosexual issue, and the hateful words and actions that increased the divide. Inspired by the nonviolence movements of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., White developed a program based on their principles. These principles were called satyagraha or "soul force" by Gandhi, who based many of them on the teachings of Jesus, and White adopted them to address the suffering of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered people.
During his six years with UFMCC, he traveled across the country constantly to minister to those impacted by prejudice and hatred against gays and to campaign for civil rights, theological reconsideration, and social acceptance for sexual minorities. His work has resulted in his being arrested on the White House steps during a hunger strike protesting the 'Defense of Marriage Act.' He was also arrested for protesting the Rev. Pat Robertson's virulent anti-gay rhetoric. (After a weeks-long hunger strike in jail, White was visited by Robertson, who promised to avoid inaccuracies and inflammatory language.)
In 1997, the Rev. Dr. Mel White was awarded the ACLU's National Civil Liberties Award for his efforts to apply the "soul force" principles of Gandhi and King to the struggle for justice for sexual minorities.
With his experience in theology and media, White is uniquely qualified for his justice ministry. He did graduate work in communications and film at University of Southern California, received his doctorate and was a professor at Fuller Theological Seminary for over a decade. During this time he also worked as an evangelical pastor. He produced, wrote, and directed 53 documentary films and television specials, focusing on stories to inspire and inform the struggle to be human. He is also an author; among his 16 books (nine bestsellers), he wrote about the Philippines' Ninoy and Corazon Aquino ("Aquino"), the Jonestown tragedy ("Deceived"), David Rothenberg, the child burned by his father ("David") and talk-show host/producer Mike Douglas ("When the Going Gets Tough").
In addition, he ghost wrote several books for fellow evangelicals, including Billy Graham ("Approaching Hoofbeats"), Pat Robertson ("America's Date with Destiny"), Jim Bakker, and Jerry Falwell ("If I Should Die Before I Wake" and "Strength for the Journey"). In all those writings, however, he never wrote against homosexuality. White began coming out privately and gradually during the same period that the religious right stepped up its anti-gay rhetoric. Since 1993, he has devoted himself full-time to minister to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and the transgendered and to work on their behalf in the media, in the political process, and with fellow religious leaders.
Thank goodness, I send my kids to already immoral colleges-one public- therefore Godless and one founded by abolitionist Congregationalists(maybe all Congragationalists were abolitionists- they ceertainly founded quite a few midwest colleges)- but which now celebrates the holidays and religions of every religion.
Yes, thank goodness, Andrea has found colleges without any inconvenient moral stands that celebrate the "religions of every religion."
Nice design of blog.
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